Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Slow Day

Well, honestly, there isn’t much to report today...

It's been a slow day...

...Except that the other two kitties have names! The tan one is now called Griffin, and the muted tortie is Lorelei (which is a type of mermaid, I understand. My older sister named her). You guys seeing a theme here in the kittens’ names?

They’re getting a lot more active now; Lorelei and Phoenix even managed to climb out of their bed! Sadly, I did not get a video or a picture. *Sigh*

Well, like I said, not much to report on today, so I’ll finish up with the kittens’ daily pictures!

Phoenix, the calico

Lorelei, the muted tortie

Griffin, the tan one

Dragon, the mini-Gypsy

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