Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Long Time No Write!

Okay, honestly, I have no excuse for not updating earlier, except that nothing exciting’s going on. Not true: Dragon and Griffin are play-fighting right now, and it’s adorable.

Okay, I guess some things have been going on. For instance, the kittens are now big enough to crawl around their little enclosure and play so we’re handling them a lot more. Right now I have Lorelei and Pooka on my lap, and Lorelei is noisy. You may have noticed that Lorelei does not curl up nicely in her pictures. She also meows loudly and angrily at me when I’m holding her. I think she just does not like being picked up. Pooka, fortunately, has really mellowed out.

Speaking of Pooka, it’s really funny to hold one of the kittens, then pick Pooka up because she’s so much smaller than them. You wouldn’t think that five days would make that much of a difference growth- and development-wise but it really does. She’s about half the size of the other kittens.

I’m still a little worried about Gypsy. I think she’s gained a little bit of weight, but she now has the sniffles. I completely cleaned out the whole kitten room and washed everything that could be washed, and I’m praying it’s just a cold not upper-respiratory disease. She’s doing better a little better, though, so that’s good.

Hm, I seem to have made it through a whole post without any pictures again. To make up for, watch this video of the kittens being kittens!

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