Friday, June 10, 2011

Kittens Want toWrite This Post

Gypsy is finally comfortable enough with where she’s staying, and with letting us watch the kittens for her, that we’ve started to take them out of the kitten room while we’re watching them. This also means I have better lights for photos, yaaay!)

The kittens seem to like being out to explore—though Pooka still cries. All. The. Time.—and they love trying to burrow in the pillows we have out, so they’re fun to watch. They’ve also started to wrestle each other, which is absolutely adorable.

Rwaaar, I’mma eat you!

They also like to get into just about everything, so it takes two people watching them to make sure none of the kittens get into trouble. They also like to explore my laptop. (Possibly because it smells like catfood.)

No, we gonna write your blog for you this time. Yes, you just let us type. …How do we type again?

And, because it’s Friday, here are their weekly pictures!

Phoenix, 21 days

Lorelei, 21 days

Griffin, 21 days

Dragon, 21 days

Pooka, 17 days

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