Sunday, June 5, 2011

Meet the Newbie!

Wow, crazy sort of weekend, guys. Crazy sort of weekend.

But I do have big news! We have another addition to the litter. No, Gypsy did not have another kitten out of the blue. When my younger sister went to the Animal Shelter yesterday, she was immediately greeted with “Hey, want another kitten?”

Turns out a man had found an abandon kitten at a construction site, and brought it home. It wasn’t eating for him so he brought it to the Shelter. As we already had a momma cat at home, and her milk was still flowing, they thought we should try to have Gypsy adopt it. We brought it home and rubbed it—well, her—together with the other kittens (yes, we rubbed them together. It’s so the new kitten would have the scent of Gypsy’s litter and she would be more willing to adopt it) and plopped them all down next to Gypsy. Gypsy, of course, could smell an intruder in her litter, so she sniffed around the kittens until she found the new comer. Then she laid back down and proceeded to be pretty indifferent.

Oh, joy, another mouth to feed.

Now, the new kitten, whom we’ve named Pooka (which is… some sort of elf?), is one of the kids and Gypsy and the other kittens treat her like she had been there from the start.

Being one of the gang means getting your ear chomped on, of course.

And, even though I’m only going to be posting weekly pictures of the kittens and only on Friday, I’ll post Pooka’s picture today so y’all can meet her.

Pooka, who looks surprisingly like another mini-Gypsy.

For the record, Pooka is about 11/12 days old. They said she was about 10 days to 2 weeks old when we got her, and as she’s a bit smaller than the other kittens (who are about 16 days old), we put her closer to the “10 days” estimate than the “2 weeks” estimate.

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