Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Ktten Who Cried. Just, Cried.

Pooka, the orphan kitten, cries. A lot. It’s starting to get annoying. She cries whenever she’s not asleep or eating. To be honest, sleeping and eating takes up a good portion of her day, but still. Since her adopted-siblings are now past the “sleeping and eating all day” stage and are starting to get pretty active, she’s more awake then they were at that age. Oh well, she’ll get over this stage in a few days. Hopefully.

In other news, I’m getting a little worried about Gypsy. Despite feeding her all the time, she still hasn’t gained any weight. She’s pretty skinny, so I was really hoping she would gain some weight with us, but maybe a week and a half is too little time to tell if she’s gaining weight?

In other-other news, Gypsy is getting to be a less-concerned parent than before. She’s gotten pretty comfortable, so she doesn’t jump at any little noise, and as the kittens are getting older, she doesn’t seem to be letting them nurse as often.

No, mommy’s busy, entertain yourselves.

It’s actually pretty funny to watch her kittens trying to climb out of the bed to get to her, and her being… completely and utterly unconcerned about it.

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