Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Litter Carnage!

So this morning I came downstairs and went into the kitten room, only to find—CARNAGE! Well, litter box carnage. Honestly, Gypsy is the messiest litter box-using-cat I’ve ever met. Okay, that might not be true, but she certainly is messy. Had to toss all the litter and replace most of the newspaper. She will be getting a different, bigger litter box with higher sides. Definitely.

Also this morning, we found out she had hid one of the kittens. Just one. The little tan one. We could hear it mewling, but for the longest time couldn’t find it. Eventually we did find it, on the shelf of an un-used bookcase, and we retrieved it and put it back with the others, whom momma had moved into the kennel.

Two of the kitties have names now! The mini-Gypsy is Dragon, and the calico is Phoenix, named by my little sister. The tan one and the tortie don’t have names yet, though. We’re still thinking.

Also, Phoenix is quiet the active little thing!

Is that a camera?

And since watching kittens wiggle around has been proven to be one of the cutest things you will ever watch, here’s a video of restless kitties!

I decided I will be taking daily pictures of the kittens, so here they are, at (we think) 11 days old:

Phoenix, the calico

The muted tortie

The tan one

Dragon, the mini-Gypsy

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