Friday, May 27, 2011

Kittens are Coming, My Cat is Getting Fat!

The title ought to be sung to the tune of "Christmas is Coming". Just for the record.

So let's just go ahead and explain things, shall we?

My name is May, or at least that's what I go by online, and I volunteer at my local county Animal Shelter. As I (currently--I'm still hoping for a job!) am not doing anything long-term this Summer, I told the caretakers at the Shelter that I could foster any baby kittens that needed a home before they went up for adoption. (Baby kittens= kittens under seven weeks old, which is how old they have to be before they can go up for adoption.) And just yesterday, on Thursday, they told me they had a momma cat and four one-week-old kittens I could foster if I wanted to!

Naturally, I said yes.

They will be coming home Monday, and starting Monday, I will be chronicling their life from their arrival, to their departure back to the Animal Shelter to find their forever homes.

Now, I do have a cat and a dog, which I will probably be introducing in the somewhat-near future, to deal with as well. My dog will probably do fine, as he will be friends with everyone from humans to other dogs to cats to snakes, I'm mildly worried about my cat, who really doesn't along with much of anyone. She likes some people well enough, and she gets along fine with my dog (mostly because she is forced to tolerate because he's bigger than she is), but she decidedly does not get along with other animals. I don't intend to introduce her to the foster-kitties, but if she should ever sneak into their room... well, we'll deal with that when it happens, won't we?

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