Monday, May 30, 2011

Welcome Home Kitties!

So, here I am, sitting in my storage room, typing up my blog post… and watching the kitties! Momma cat (who I have named Gypsy) is just the sweetest thing, and seems pretty at home in her new house. And she seems to very much enjoy being able to get away from her babies when she needs to.


And the kittens—ah yes, the kittens!—are just the most adorable things you have ever seen. I kid you not.

The most adorable things you have ever seen!

They’re so funny, they just sprawl all over each other and don’t seem to mind when momma sits on them!

Gypsy moved the babies out of the kennel they came home in and into a new bed we had set up for her. Though the kennel is still open to them, and currently Gypsy is curled up in the kennel away from her babies.

Even momma cats need a break!

Gypsy wasn’t happy about the being stuck in there on the ride home. And boy did she let us know—loudly! But when we got her home and let her out, she explored all around the store room, found plenty of nooks and crannies to hide in, made sure there were no dangers, and then demanded attention from us.

Yes, scratch right there… ahhh…

Now let me introduce you to the babies, at ten days old:

The calico!

The muted tortie!

The tan one!

And the miniature Gypsy!

The calico and the muted tortie are girls and the tan one and the mini-gypsy are boys, and they don’t have names yet, but I’m sure they will in the near future.

Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s time to go ooh and ahh over the kitties again. And Gypsy is demanding more attention.

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