Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Play Time!

I’ve been horrible about updating, I know, I apologize. Can you believe that the kittens are going to be old enough to return to the Animal Shelter and go up for adoption this Saturday? Naturally, I’m going to be keeping them for an extra two weeks, just to make sure they’re well-socialized and healthy, you know. Except for Pooka, who’s at least a week younger than the others. We’ll keep her a little longer, since she’s so tiny.

And the kittens are so adventurous now! You remember in my last post how I said they were trying to help us put together our puzzle? Well, the kittens no longer are trying to help us put together the puzzle. Now, they’re more interested in playing with the puzzle boxes.

It’s mah boat

And, well, any box will do. They just seem to like boxes.

Box tiem!

They seem to have this game of hide-and-seek going on, where one will sit in the box, and another will prowl around outside. The one in the box will bob up and down, watching the one outside the box, while the one outside the box will try to catch them when they’re bobbing up and pounce on them.

Got ya!

Okay, so it’s more like whack-a-mole than hide-and-seek, but it’s still hilarious to watch.

This has nothing to do with the rest of the post, but my little sister got an adorable picture of Griffin and Lorelei hiding under her drawing pad. So I’ll leave you with this cuteness!

Also, you might notice from the slightly blurry quality of most of these photos that it is remarkably hard to get a clear picture of kittens on the move.

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