Sunday, June 26, 2011

Puzzling Kittens

The kittens had a grand old time yesterday and today “helping” me and my little sister with the puzzle we’re working on. Really, they don’t disrupt us because they don’t actually weigh enough to mess up the puzzle when they walk across it. They were just a little… distracting. Though I’m sure they meant well.

Look! We will show you where the next piece goes!

And Phoenix even tried to find me some pieces.

Hey, hey, I think I found one. Are you paying attention? Look at me!

And they are adorable to watch when trying to fit the dang piece into it’s spot gets frustrating. Gypsy was a little more frustrating to have around, as she would jump up and walk across the puzzle—just to get us back for not paying her enough attention, I’m sure—and break apart the whole thing. But she’s cute too, so it’s okay.

The kittens are getting bigger, but when I spent Thursday at the Animal Shelter playing with the adoptable kittens, I was reminded just how small they really are! And Pooka is the smallest of all, she fits right in my hand. I’m beginning to think she’s either a runt, or is much younger than we originally thought.

Monday, June 20, 2011

I Return!

I’m ba-ack! Didja miss me?

Turns out that when you leave and come back, it’s just sort of like catching up on all that went wrong while you were gone. You know, if you face the problems one by one when they hit, it doesn’t seem like so much. But when you come back to find out that three of the five kittens have caught momma’s cold (yes, it’s a cold thank goodness) and Dragon has a runny eye and Pooka’s more lethargic than the others were at her age and the kittens know how to climb up the walls of their pen, it all just sort of seems like a lot.

Oh, yes, the kittens know how to climb out of their enclosure.

I’m king of the kennel!

Which is actually kind of awesome, it means they’re really progressing. Another thing that’s kind of awesome? The kittens are starting to eat solid food!

I want some too!

Which means they’re starting to be weaned, which is pretty cool. They’re really active, too. It’s fun watching them run around after each other and play with each other.

Attack from behind!

And they’re also curious about the litter boxes, so hopefully that means they’ll be litter trained soon!

Hey, what’s this thing?

AND they aren’t sure what to do with their reflections. It’s adorable!

Hey, who’s that handsome looking kitten?

The kitten over here is cuter!

Oh yeah, did I mention my sisters took plenty of pictures while I was gone?

And we were amazing at posing for them, too. Just look at us sitting nicely in this box!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

And I'm Off!

Quick, unfortunately picture-less update:

I’ll be leaving tomorrow for Summer Orientation at my college, and won’t be back until Sunday evening. This means the blog will be update-less during this time, and I won’t be playing with kittens. (Noooo!) Fortunately, my sister are going to be taking care of the kitties while I’m gone, and taking daily pictures. (They have strict instructions about this.) So I’ll see y’all when I get back!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Long Time No Write!

Okay, honestly, I have no excuse for not updating earlier, except that nothing exciting’s going on. Not true: Dragon and Griffin are play-fighting right now, and it’s adorable.

Okay, I guess some things have been going on. For instance, the kittens are now big enough to crawl around their little enclosure and play so we’re handling them a lot more. Right now I have Lorelei and Pooka on my lap, and Lorelei is noisy. You may have noticed that Lorelei does not curl up nicely in her pictures. She also meows loudly and angrily at me when I’m holding her. I think she just does not like being picked up. Pooka, fortunately, has really mellowed out.

Speaking of Pooka, it’s really funny to hold one of the kittens, then pick Pooka up because she’s so much smaller than them. You wouldn’t think that five days would make that much of a difference growth- and development-wise but it really does. She’s about half the size of the other kittens.

I’m still a little worried about Gypsy. I think she’s gained a little bit of weight, but she now has the sniffles. I completely cleaned out the whole kitten room and washed everything that could be washed, and I’m praying it’s just a cold not upper-respiratory disease. She’s doing better a little better, though, so that’s good.

Hm, I seem to have made it through a whole post without any pictures again. To make up for, watch this video of the kittens being kittens!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Kittens Want toWrite This Post

Gypsy is finally comfortable enough with where she’s staying, and with letting us watch the kittens for her, that we’ve started to take them out of the kitten room while we’re watching them. This also means I have better lights for photos, yaaay!)

The kittens seem to like being out to explore—though Pooka still cries. All. The. Time.—and they love trying to burrow in the pillows we have out, so they’re fun to watch. They’ve also started to wrestle each other, which is absolutely adorable.

Rwaaar, I’mma eat you!

They also like to get into just about everything, so it takes two people watching them to make sure none of the kittens get into trouble. They also like to explore my laptop. (Possibly because it smells like catfood.)

No, we gonna write your blog for you this time. Yes, you just let us type. …How do we type again?

And, because it’s Friday, here are their weekly pictures!

Phoenix, 21 days

Lorelei, 21 days

Griffin, 21 days

Dragon, 21 days

Pooka, 17 days